Breeds know to suffer from congenital/ inherited deafness
The following breeds have been reported to suffer from congenital/inherited deafness, the hereditary nature of the deafness has not been confirmed in all the breeds.
It is recommended that both father and mother should have a hearing test and be certified with normal hearing in each ear prior to being bred for the first time.
It is recommended that both father and mother should have a hearing test and be certified with normal hearing in each ear prior to being bred for the first time.
American shorthair
American wirehair Balinese British shorthair Cornish rex Devon rex European white Exotic shorthair Foreign white Highlander Maine coon Manx Norwegian forest Oriental shorthair Persian Ragdoll Scottish fold Siberian Turkish angora Turkish van White In each case deafness if most likely if there is either white fur, blue eyes or both. |
This data is from Strain GM (1996) Aetiology, prevalence and diagnosis of deafness in dogs and cats British Veterinary Journal 152 17-36 and Strain GM (2011) Deafness in Dogs and Cats. CAB International; Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.